MSTing of Wasurerarenai Part 14 by Emily Siazon
Category: Ranma shorts
Posted on May 16, 2013 by Gary
[Scene: Gary, Hiroshi, and Daisuke are sitting around a mostly bare
room, looking bored.]
Hiroshi: I'm bored.
Daisuke: Yeah, you look that way.
Gary: Hey, you guys, we're on Shonen Sunday Theater 3000! The Principal
must be sending us another fic to comment on!
[The computer monitor in the room turns on, to show the Principal with
Ms. Hinako.]
Principal: Aloooha, keiki! Today we got de biiiiig surprise!
Hiroshi: A fic for us to comment on?
Principal: How ya guessin'?
Daisuke: We're psychic. I don't suppose it's a lemon?
Hinako: You naughty boys aren't old enough for lemons! I hope it's some
nice, wholesome WAFF. WAFF is yummy!
Principal: De fic is "Wasurerarenai" by Emily Siazon. It ain't quite
WAFF, but it got de romantic bits.
Hiroshi: It IS a lemon then!
Gary: Not those 'bits', moron!
Principal: Roll 'em!
[Screen dissolves into the fanfic....]
Emily Siazon wrote in archive/latest/48606:
Daisuke: The title of this fic is Unforgettable.
Gary: I always forget how to spell it, though.
>An alternative reality fanfic written by Emily Siazon.
Hiroshi: Isn't what that kid says to turn into Captain Marvel?
>Chapter 14
> "Wait up," Ranma yelled as he ran up the hill towards Akane. He
>had almost missed her in her hurry to save Shinnosuke. Fortunately,
Daisuke: And here I thought Ranma had a good aim.
>Ranma caught a glimpse of her as he was leaving his tent.
> Akane gave the stranger an odd look and answered, "Do I know
> "I'm Ranma."
> she wondered. "You
>wouldn't happen to be violent, would you?"
> "That's _rampant_."
Daisuke: Uh... what?
Hiroshi: That joke's not very good.
Gary: Can we help come up with a better one, guys?
Hiroshi: "You wouldn't happen to be a short poem with only two rhymes
throughout and opening words used twice in refrain, would you?"
Gary: What the heck is that?
Hiroshi: Rondeau!
Gary: Too obscure.
Hiroshi: How about "a piece of music with leading theme that occurs..."
Gary: Give me that dictionary back.
Daisuke: Maybe we should just forget it.
> "No way! It's too dangerous!" Ranma yelled back while he tried to
>protect her from the falling debris.
> "But it's to save Shinnosuke's life!" Receiving no answer, she
>looked up at his impassive face and snarled. "You bastard! You want
>him dead, don't you?!"
> Akane pried herself away from him and glared before she stalked
>outside. "I hate you."
Gary: Ouch, that's nasty.
Daisuke: Look on the bright side. If she hates Ranma, maybe she'll go
out with us!
Gary: Not likely.
> It had seemed so simple when he had left Nerima yesterday. He had
>decided to help her. Because it was the honarable thing to do. Because
>he wanted to protect her. And because her happiness was more important
>than his.
> But... didn't he deserve to be happy, too?
Hiroshi: Well...
Daisuke: Now that you mention it...
Gary: It's a rhetorical question, guys.
H&D: Oh.
Gary: I think this is good emotional drama so far.
> She was about to rant again about the absurdity of this whole
>plan when bubbles appeared on the usually placid lake. She quickly
>stood up, giving the body of water a nervous glance.
> "I-It can't be!" She leaned against the edge of the cliff and
>waited. After a couple of minutes, she was starting to think that her
>mind was playing tricks on her. Then, all of a sudden, eight dragon
>heads emerged from the lake, the water splashing on her skin
>convincing her that this was no trick.
Hiroshi: It's the legendary eight-headed Hiroshi!
Gary: That's NOT what it's called....
> "Why, she's off fighting that monster, of course."
> "What?!" The two boys demanded in unison. The old man wasn't
>stupid enough to think that Akane could fight a monster by herself,
>was he?
> "Don't look so worried," Grandpa told them while pouring himself
>another cup of alcohol. "I gave her a bottle of sake so she should be
>all right."
Daisuke: Yeah, at least that way she'll be drunk so she won't feel it
when the thing devours her!
Gary: Daisuke...
Hiroshi: Yeah, really! Haven't you got any sensitivity? Letting the
monster eating Akane?
Daisuke: Sorry.
Hiroshi: She's a hot babe! Let it eat Ryoga or someone like that!
Gary: *sigh*
> The three ran towards the middle of the forest. The two boys'
>expression filled with worry, while the old man was too drunk to feel
>much of anything.
> "Oh no, we're too late," Ranma yelled as he watched Akane beating
Hiroshi: Didn't sound like a yell.
Gary: Probably should have had an exclamation point, not a comma, after
Daisuke: It's not easy to do proper punctuation,
>the dragon over the head with the broom she was carrying. She was so
>intent on the fight that she failed to notice two more monsters come
Gary: coming
> "It's too dangerous!" he yelled, ignoring the little voice in his
>head which was telling him that it was just like that dream.
> "But it's to save Shinnosuke's life!"
> Ranma looked at Akane straight in the eye for a couple of
>seconds, though it felt like an eternity before he made his decision.
>"Let's go, then."
Gary: I like it when the characters have to make hard decisions.
> * * *
> The two ran out just in time to see the slightly winded Ryoga
>take another shot at one of the monster's head before him.
Gary: heads
> <I wish I could remember him...>
> The smile disappeared as a battered and pissed off dragon wrapped
>its tongue around Ranma with the intent of eating him.
> The shock of seeing him in extreme danger, helpless to save
>himself, brought back the flood of memories which the herbal shampoo
>had denied her. "RANMA!"
Gary: That's way too quick and summary. Akane getting back her memories
is a pivotal event in the story. It needs to be dragged out more. Tell
us in detail exactly what Akane feels and experiences here.
> "Are you crazy?!" Ryoga demanded.
> Akane ignored him and kept struggling until the jacket finally
>ripped open, revealing a bright blue shirt and a strangely shaped
>white object.
Hiroshi: Is she naked now?
Gary: [rolls eyes] *Now* you guys wake up....
> "Shinnosuke!" Akane yelled as she ran up to his motionless form.
>The days without the magic water had not been kind to him. He had lost
>a lot of weight since they had last seen him and his body emitted no
>warmth at all.
Hiroshi: Uh, Akane? No warmth at all? He's dead.
Daisuke: He's dead, Jim.
Gary: I hope she was exaggerating there.
> Akane quickly turned him over, grateful that the hospital gowns
>opened at the back.
Daisuke: Because Shinnosuke had really nice buns.
Gary *groan*
> She carefully placed some of the moss over
>Shinnosuke's body, the deep scars disappearing within seconds.
> She let out a cry of joy as his eyes started to flutter open, his
>deathly color having gone along with the wounds.
Hiroshi: But since his heart had stopped five days ago, it was all for
Daisuke: Hey, he'll at least be a healthier looking corpse!
Hiroshi: But that stupid Panda keeps tagging along.
> Akane stared at his face, her bottom lip quivering before she
>flung herself into his arms. Ranma, through it all, stood stiffly,
>patting her back awkwardly while her hot tears turned his silk shirt a
>darker shade of crimson.
> After a couple of minutes, her crying had been reduced to the
>occasional sniffle, and Akane felt composed enough to speak.
Daisuke: [Akane voice] "Shinnosuke kicked the bucket! Could I marry you
> He slowly took the blindfold off, causing Akane to gasp in wonder
>as she got her first glimpse of the glittering blue jewel before her.
Hiroshi: [Akane voice] Oh, Ranma! I wanted a diamond, not a sapphire!
Gary: Do you have to take this literally?
>AUTHORS NOTES: Yay! I'm finished! Hope most of you were happy with the
>ending. After numerous threats from my best friend, I finally decided
>to make it a Ranma ends up with Akane fic.
Hiroshi: So how come Gary still refuses to write a Hiroshi and Daisuke
end up with Shampoo and Kodachi fic?
Daisuke: Yeah, it's not like we haven't threatened him enough.
Gary: You guys aren't my best friends, though.
> Now all of you who wanted
>her to end up with Shinnosuke know who to blame ^_^
>I'd like to thank Scott Schimmel, my prereader for pointing out the
>parts that didn't make too much sense(Writing most of the fic at two
>a.m. can do that). And for all those who commented, I'm sorry if you
>didn't get a response, but my inbox is currently filled and I can't
>find anything there if my life depended on it :)
>Please send c&c or I'll be forced to drown my sorrows by eating ice
>cream! How's that for a guilt trip ^_^
Daisuke: What is she, Skuld? And how does she expect to *get* this C&C
if her box is full? Anyway, I'd rather go to see fort knox.
Gary: That's a gilt trip. Anyway, it was a nice romantic ending to the
series. Having them openly love for each other takes out a lot of good
dramatic tension, but the series isn't going to continue anyway. I
wonder if the Tendos are ever going to figure out that they have their
daughter back, though.
Hiroshi: Well, let's see... same name, grew up in the same place where
their daughter got lost as a child... nope, not much chance.
Daisuke: That's the end of the series, we need to do something to
celebrate. I've got an idea for a skit.
[fic ends; we see Gary, dressed like Shinnosuke]
Gary (reading rather woodenly from a script): This is certainly an
interesting new neighborhood we've moved into, Akane! ... Akane? Get out
here, Akane.
[Hiroshi comes out, dressed in a gi.]
Hiroshi: Here I am!
Gary: This is your Akane costume?
Hiroshi: Yeah. You don't like it?
Gary: It's a bit... extreme.
Hiroshi: I was trying to do a Gainax version. I'll get rid of the
Gary: Anyway... This is certainly an interesting new neighborhood we've
moved into, Akane!
Hiroshi: Um... oh yeah. Yes, but the neighbors are really loud! I think
we should go over and ask them to quiet down! Knock knock!
[Daisuke comes out, wearing a spiky red wig.]
Daisuke: Hi! I'm your new neighbor. I'm the greatest super-genuis
scientist of all time, if I do say so myself!
Gary: Huh? You're way off script. What the heck are you doing?
Daisuke: This is my commemorative skit for this fic! It's a version
Gary: D'OH!
Hiroshi: Oh, Brother!!
Gary: Anyway, I think we better sign off. I enjoyed the series, and hope
to see more from Emily soon. Whaddaya think, your kahuna-ship?
Principal: I'm thinkin' that's a wrap, yeah! Until next time, bruddas!
Hinako: Is that really possible? What happened in the story, I mean. A
girl being lost and ending up back with her parents just by chance.
Principal: Who knows?
Hinako: Even I myself was lost as a child. I was left at the hospital
door with all of my hair shaved off.
Principal: No kiddin'? I wen' sendin' off my first daughter dat way.
Hinako: Wow, what a coincidence! I hope she turns up!
room, looking bored.]
Hiroshi: I'm bored.
Daisuke: Yeah, you look that way.
Gary: Hey, you guys, we're on Shonen Sunday Theater 3000! The Principal
must be sending us another fic to comment on!
[The computer monitor in the room turns on, to show the Principal with
Ms. Hinako.]
Principal: Aloooha, keiki! Today we got de biiiiig surprise!
Hiroshi: A fic for us to comment on?
Principal: How ya guessin'?
Daisuke: We're psychic. I don't suppose it's a lemon?
Hinako: You naughty boys aren't old enough for lemons! I hope it's some
nice, wholesome WAFF. WAFF is yummy!
Principal: De fic is "Wasurerarenai" by Emily Siazon. It ain't quite
WAFF, but it got de romantic bits.
Hiroshi: It IS a lemon then!
Gary: Not those 'bits', moron!
Principal: Roll 'em!
[Screen dissolves into the fanfic....]
Emily Siazon
Daisuke: The title of this fic is Unforgettable.
Gary: I always forget how to spell it, though.
>An alternative reality fanfic written by Emily Siazon.
Hiroshi: Isn't what that kid says to turn into Captain Marvel?
>Chapter 14
> "Wait up," Ranma yelled as he ran up the hill towards Akane. He
>had almost missed her in her hurry to save Shinnosuke. Fortunately,
Daisuke: And here I thought Ranma had a good aim.
>Ranma caught a glimpse of her as he was leaving his tent.
> Akane gave the stranger an odd look and answered, "Do I know
> "I'm Ranma."
>wouldn't happen to be violent, would you?"
> "That's _rampant_."
Daisuke: Uh... what?
Hiroshi: That joke's not very good.
Gary: Can we help come up with a better one, guys?
Hiroshi: "You wouldn't happen to be a short poem with only two rhymes
throughout and opening words used twice in refrain, would you?"
Gary: What the heck is that?
Hiroshi: Rondeau!
Gary: Too obscure.
Hiroshi: How about "a piece of music with leading theme that occurs..."
Gary: Give me that dictionary back.
Daisuke: Maybe we should just forget it.
> "No way! It's too dangerous!" Ranma yelled back while he tried to
>protect her from the falling debris.
> "But it's to save Shinnosuke's life!" Receiving no answer, she
>looked up at his impassive face and snarled. "You bastard! You want
>him dead, don't you?!"
> Akane pried herself away from him and glared before she stalked
>outside. "I hate you."
Gary: Ouch, that's nasty.
Daisuke: Look on the bright side. If she hates Ranma, maybe she'll go
out with us!
Gary: Not likely.
> It had seemed so simple when he had left Nerima yesterday. He had
>decided to help her. Because it was the honarable thing to do. Because
>he wanted to protect her. And because her happiness was more important
>than his.
> But... didn't he deserve to be happy, too?
Hiroshi: Well...
Daisuke: Now that you mention it...
Gary: It's a rhetorical question, guys.
H&D: Oh.
Gary: I think this is good emotional drama so far.
> She was about to rant again about the absurdity of this whole
>plan when bubbles appeared on the usually placid lake. She quickly
>stood up, giving the body of water a nervous glance.
> "I-It can't be!" She leaned against the edge of the cliff and
>waited. After a couple of minutes, she was starting to think that her
>mind was playing tricks on her. Then, all of a sudden, eight dragon
>heads emerged from the lake, the water splashing on her skin
>convincing her that this was no trick.
Hiroshi: It's the legendary eight-headed Hiroshi!
Gary: That's NOT what it's called....
> "Why, she's off fighting that monster, of course."
> "What?!" The two boys demanded in unison. The old man wasn't
>stupid enough to think that Akane could fight a monster by herself,
>was he?
> "Don't look so worried," Grandpa told them while pouring himself
>another cup of alcohol. "I gave her a bottle of sake so she should be
>all right."
Daisuke: Yeah, at least that way she'll be drunk so she won't feel it
when the thing devours her!
Gary: Daisuke...
Hiroshi: Yeah, really! Haven't you got any sensitivity? Letting the
monster eating Akane?
Daisuke: Sorry.
Hiroshi: She's a hot babe! Let it eat Ryoga or someone like that!
Gary: *sigh*
> The three ran towards the middle of the forest. The two boys'
>expression filled with worry, while the old man was too drunk to feel
>much of anything.
> "Oh no, we're too late," Ranma yelled as he watched Akane beating
Hiroshi: Didn't sound like a yell.
Gary: Probably should have had an exclamation point, not a comma, after
Daisuke: It's not easy to do proper punctuation,
>the dragon over the head with the broom she was carrying. She was so
>intent on the fight that she failed to notice two more monsters come
Gary: coming
> "It's too dangerous!" he yelled, ignoring the little voice in his
>head which was telling him that it was just like that dream.
> "But it's to save Shinnosuke's life!"
> Ranma looked at Akane straight in the eye for a couple of
>seconds, though it felt like an eternity before he made his decision.
>"Let's go, then."
Gary: I like it when the characters have to make hard decisions.
> * * *
> The two ran out just in time to see the slightly winded Ryoga
>take another shot at one of the monster's head before him.
Gary: heads
> <I wish I could remember him...>
> The smile disappeared as a battered and pissed off dragon wrapped
>its tongue around Ranma with the intent of eating him.
> The shock of seeing him in extreme danger, helpless to save
>himself, brought back the flood of memories which the herbal shampoo
>had denied her. "RANMA!"
Gary: That's way too quick and summary. Akane getting back her memories
is a pivotal event in the story. It needs to be dragged out more. Tell
us in detail exactly what Akane feels and experiences here.
> "Are you crazy?!" Ryoga demanded.
> Akane ignored him and kept struggling until the jacket finally
>ripped open, revealing a bright blue shirt and a strangely shaped
>white object.
Hiroshi: Is she naked now?
Gary: [rolls eyes] *Now* you guys wake up....
> "Shinnosuke!" Akane yelled as she ran up to his motionless form.
>The days without the magic water had not been kind to him. He had lost
>a lot of weight since they had last seen him and his body emitted no
>warmth at all.
Hiroshi: Uh, Akane? No warmth at all? He's dead.
Daisuke: He's dead, Jim.
Gary: I hope she was exaggerating there.
> Akane quickly turned him over, grateful that the hospital gowns
>opened at the back.
Daisuke: Because Shinnosuke had really nice buns.
Gary *groan*
> She carefully placed some of the moss over
>Shinnosuke's body, the deep scars disappearing within seconds.
> She let out a cry of joy as his eyes started to flutter open, his
>deathly color having gone along with the wounds.
Hiroshi: But since his heart had stopped five days ago, it was all for
Daisuke: Hey, he'll at least be a healthier looking corpse!
Hiroshi: But that stupid Panda keeps tagging along.
> Akane stared at his face, her bottom lip quivering before she
>flung herself into his arms. Ranma, through it all, stood stiffly,
>patting her back awkwardly while her hot tears turned his silk shirt a
>darker shade of crimson.
> After a couple of minutes, her crying had been reduced to the
>occasional sniffle, and Akane felt composed enough to speak.
Daisuke: [Akane voice] "Shinnosuke kicked the bucket! Could I marry you
> He slowly took the blindfold off, causing Akane to gasp in wonder
>as she got her first glimpse of the glittering blue jewel before her.
Hiroshi: [Akane voice] Oh, Ranma! I wanted a diamond, not a sapphire!
Gary: Do you have to take this literally?
>AUTHORS NOTES: Yay! I'm finished! Hope most of you were happy with the
>ending. After numerous threats from my best friend, I finally decided
>to make it a Ranma ends up with Akane fic.
Hiroshi: So how come Gary still refuses to write a Hiroshi and Daisuke
end up with Shampoo and Kodachi fic?
Daisuke: Yeah, it's not like we haven't threatened him enough.
Gary: You guys aren't my best friends, though.
> Now all of you who wanted
>her to end up with Shinnosuke know who to blame ^_^
>I'd like to thank Scott Schimmel, my prereader for pointing out the
>parts that didn't make too much sense(Writing most of the fic at two
>a.m. can do that). And for all those who commented, I'm sorry if you
>didn't get a response, but my inbox is currently filled and I can't
>find anything there if my life depended on it :)
>Please send c&c or I'll be forced to drown my sorrows by eating ice
>cream! How's that for a guilt trip ^_^
Daisuke: What is she, Skuld? And how does she expect to *get* this C&C
if her box is full? Anyway, I'd rather go to see fort knox.
Gary: That's a gilt trip. Anyway, it was a nice romantic ending to the
series. Having them openly love for each other takes out a lot of good
dramatic tension, but the series isn't going to continue anyway. I
wonder if the Tendos are ever going to figure out that they have their
daughter back, though.
Hiroshi: Well, let's see... same name, grew up in the same place where
their daughter got lost as a child... nope, not much chance.
Daisuke: That's the end of the series, we need to do something to
celebrate. I've got an idea for a skit.
[fic ends; we see Gary, dressed like Shinnosuke]
Gary (reading rather woodenly from a script): This is certainly an
interesting new neighborhood we've moved into, Akane! ... Akane? Get out
here, Akane.
[Hiroshi comes out, dressed in a gi.]
Hiroshi: Here I am!
Gary: This is your Akane costume?
Hiroshi: Yeah. You don't like it?
Gary: It's a bit... extreme.
Hiroshi: I was trying to do a Gainax version. I'll get rid of the
Gary: Anyway... This is certainly an interesting new neighborhood we've
moved into, Akane!
Hiroshi: Um... oh yeah. Yes, but the neighbors are really loud! I think
we should go over and ask them to quiet down! Knock knock!
[Daisuke comes out, wearing a spiky red wig.]
Daisuke: Hi! I'm your new neighbor. I'm the greatest super-genuis
scientist of all time, if I do say so myself!
Gary: Huh? You're way off script. What the heck are you doing?
Daisuke: This is my commemorative skit for this fic! It's a version
Gary: D'OH!
Hiroshi: Oh, Brother!!
Gary: Anyway, I think we better sign off. I enjoyed the series, and hope
to see more from Emily soon. Whaddaya think, your kahuna-ship?
Principal: I'm thinkin' that's a wrap, yeah! Until next time, bruddas!
Hinako: Is that really possible? What happened in the story, I mean. A
girl being lost and ending up back with her parents just by chance.
Principal: Who knows?
Hinako: Even I myself was lost as a child. I was left at the hospital
door with all of my hair shaved off.
Principal: No kiddin'? I wen' sendin' off my first daughter dat way.
Hinako: Wow, what a coincidence! I hope she turns up!
<< Previous: MSTing of Insignificant by Eric Adams | Hiroshi and Daisuke | Next: MSTing of Race to the End by Florencio de la Merced, Jr >> |
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