Bert Miller's HaM Spamfic
Category: Hearts and Minds
Posted on May 14, 2013 by Gary
From: "Miller, Bert"
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 07:00:55 -0500
"Mistress! Mistress! Let's finish some long-outstanding fanfiction story!" Alielle pleaded.
"Yes!" Fatora agreed, pumping her right arm and smirking. "Some fanfic with lonely female characters!"
"And maybe we can do a self-insertion!" Alielle added, clapping her hands in glee.
- - - - - - - -
Ranma's group continued to trudge north to Mongolia, traversing mountains and deserts, deserts and mountains, some of which reminded Ranma of Shampoo for some reason.
Meanwhile, back in the village of Joketsuzoku, two new characters appeared, walking in from the direction of Mt. Phoenix. The taller stood proudly, shoving out her attributes for the inspection of the Nujiezu warriors who happened to be around. The shorter rubbed her hands together in glee as she gazed at these selfsame warriors.
"Oh, my!" said Kasumi, putting one hand to her mouth. As she was looking at the two newcomers rather than where she was walking, she tripped over a small unevenness in the road. Fortunately, Fatora was there to catch her.
"Oh, dear, thank you so much for catching me," Kasumi said. "Oh... your skin is so soft... and you're so beautiful..."
"But of course!" Fatora replied, running her hands over Kasumi's back. "Catching you was my pleasure!"
"Mistress," Alielle pouted, "can't we share?"
"Go get your own!" Fatora answered with asperity. "Oh, and bring me another while you're at it."
Alielle giggled and skipped off, only to bump into Kodachi, coming around a corner. Before Kodachi knew what was happening, her clothes were missing. She put her hands to her cheeks in horror, her ponytail standing on end. "Ranma-sama will be able to defeat me now! Whatever shall I do?"
"I'll console you..." came a husky, sly voice, from the short girl Kodachi had collided with.
"Oh, all right. Let's do it!" replied Kodachi.
And they all lived lustfully ever after.
From: Gary Kleppe
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 06:51:10 -0600
"Miller, Bert" wrote:
>"Mistress! Mistress! Let's finish some long-outstanding
>fanfiction story!" Alielle pleaded.
HIROSHI: Somebody's borrowing our schtick here....
>"Yes!" Fatora agreed, pumping her right arm and smirking.
>"Some fanfic with lonely female characters!"
>"And maybe we can do a self-insertion!" Alielle added,
>clapping her hands in glee.
GARY: Who are these people, anyhow?
DAISUKE: I think they're part of a group that's been causing trouble for the Chicago Transit Authority's elevated trains. You know, by running in front of the track and then away just before the train gets there, and stuff like that.
GARY: Really?
DAISUKE: Yeah. Collectively, they're quite well known as an El hazard.
>- - - - - - - -
>Ranma's group continued to trudge north to Mongolia, traversing
>mountains and deserts, deserts and mountains, some of which
>reminded Ranma of Shampoo for some reason.
GARY: His hair was getting really dirty by that point.
>Meanwhile, back in the village of Joketsuzoku, two new
>characters appeared, walking in from the direction of Mt.
>Phoenix. The taller stood proudly, shoving out her attributes
>for the inspection of the Nujiezu warriors who happened to be
DAISUKE: Let's see...Speed 6...a 23 Ego...50 Stun...you're hired!
> The shorter rubbed her hands together in glee as she
>gazed at these selfsame warriors.
>"Oh, my!" said Kasumi, putting one hand to her mouth. As
>she was looking at the two newcomers rather than where she was
>walking, she tripped over a small unevenness in the road.
>Fortunately, Fatora was there to catch her.
GARY: Actually, Kasumi went into Mongolia with the other group.
HIROSHI: There's gonna be lesbian action, and you're worried about continuity points?
DAISUKE: Actually, continuity is important in lemons.
DAISUKE: That's what I heard. "The best lemons consist of nothing but continuous sex."
>"Oh, dear, thank you so much for catching me," Kasumi said.
>"Oh... your skin is so soft... and you're so beautiful..."
DAISUKE: [exaggerated Joe Cocker imitation] o/~ You are so beautiful...to me...can't you see? o/~
>"But of course!" Fatora replied, running her hands over Kasumi's
>back. "Catching you was my pleasure!"
>"Mistress," Alielle pouted, "can't we share?"
>"Go get your own!" Fatora answered with asperity. "Oh, and
>bring me another while you're at it."
>Alielle giggled and skipped off, only to bump into Kodachi,
>coming around a corner. Before Kodachi knew what was happening,
>her clothes were missing. She put her hands to her cheeks in
>horror, her ponytail standing on end. "Ranma-sama will be
>able to defeat me now! Whatever shall I do?"
HIROSHI: Not to worry. Against you naked, I rather doubt that Ranma would be in top form either.
GARY: Not with having to explain it to Akane, no.
DAISUKE: Hey, didn't Kodachi's head get cut off at some point?
GARY: Maybe she got better.
>"I'll console you..." came a husky, sly voice, from the short
>girl Kodachi had collided with.
DAISUKE: Sorry, I'm not a console application. I use the full AWT graphical interface.
HIROSHI: What the heck are you talking about?
GARY: I think his thread just crashed with a JokeNotFunnyException.
>"Oh, all right. Let's do it!" replied Kodachi.
>And they all lived lustfully ever after.
HIROSHI: Now why couldn't we have had an ending like this?
GARY: Because for you guys, being lustful ever after wouldn't be any big change. Anyhow, Bert, thanks for a fun read.
DAISUKE: Maybe this'll start a trend. Three years from now, we'll see Vince's gymnast girls finish "Much Ado."
GARY: Sure. And two years later, female Ranmas from three different Dave Roeder fics will compete to finish "Centaur," each trying to prove that he can come up with a better ending than the other two.
DAISUKE: My money's on the Ranma from "Ten Yen."
HIROSHI: So is Nabiki's.
GARY: ahem Until next time....
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 07:00:55 -0500
"Mistress! Mistress! Let's finish some long-outstanding fanfiction story!" Alielle pleaded.
"Yes!" Fatora agreed, pumping her right arm and smirking. "Some fanfic with lonely female characters!"
"And maybe we can do a self-insertion!" Alielle added, clapping her hands in glee.
- - - - - - - -
Ranma's group continued to trudge north to Mongolia, traversing mountains and deserts, deserts and mountains, some of which reminded Ranma of Shampoo for some reason.
Meanwhile, back in the village of Joketsuzoku, two new characters appeared, walking in from the direction of Mt. Phoenix. The taller stood proudly, shoving out her attributes for the inspection of the Nujiezu warriors who happened to be around. The shorter rubbed her hands together in glee as she gazed at these selfsame warriors.
"Oh, my!" said Kasumi, putting one hand to her mouth. As she was looking at the two newcomers rather than where she was walking, she tripped over a small unevenness in the road. Fortunately, Fatora was there to catch her.
"Oh, dear, thank you so much for catching me," Kasumi said. "Oh... your skin is so soft... and you're so beautiful..."
"But of course!" Fatora replied, running her hands over Kasumi's back. "Catching you was my pleasure!"
"Mistress," Alielle pouted, "can't we share?"
"Go get your own!" Fatora answered with asperity. "Oh, and bring me another while you're at it."
Alielle giggled and skipped off, only to bump into Kodachi, coming around a corner. Before Kodachi knew what was happening, her clothes were missing. She put her hands to her cheeks in horror, her ponytail standing on end. "Ranma-sama will be able to defeat me now! Whatever shall I do?"
"I'll console you..." came a husky, sly voice, from the short girl Kodachi had collided with.
"Oh, all right. Let's do it!" replied Kodachi.
And they all lived lustfully ever after.
From: Gary Kleppe
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 06:51:10 -0600
"Miller, Bert"
>"Mistress! Mistress! Let's finish some long-outstanding
>fanfiction story!" Alielle pleaded.
HIROSHI: Somebody's borrowing our schtick here....
>"Yes!" Fatora agreed, pumping her right arm and smirking.
>"Some fanfic with lonely female characters!"
>"And maybe we can do a self-insertion!" Alielle added,
>clapping her hands in glee.
GARY: Who are these people, anyhow?
DAISUKE: I think they're part of a group that's been causing trouble for the Chicago Transit Authority's elevated trains. You know, by running in front of the track and then away just before the train gets there, and stuff like that.
GARY: Really?
DAISUKE: Yeah. Collectively, they're quite well known as an El hazard.
>- - - - - - - -
>Ranma's group continued to trudge north to Mongolia, traversing
>mountains and deserts, deserts and mountains, some of which
>reminded Ranma of Shampoo for some reason.
GARY: His hair was getting really dirty by that point.
>Meanwhile, back in the village of Joketsuzoku, two new
>characters appeared, walking in from the direction of Mt.
>Phoenix. The taller stood proudly, shoving out her attributes
>for the inspection of the Nujiezu warriors who happened to be
DAISUKE: Let's see...Speed 6...a 23 Ego...50 Stun...you're hired!
> The shorter rubbed her hands together in glee as she
>gazed at these selfsame warriors.
>"Oh, my!" said Kasumi, putting one hand to her mouth. As
>she was looking at the two newcomers rather than where she was
>walking, she tripped over a small unevenness in the road.
>Fortunately, Fatora was there to catch her.
GARY: Actually, Kasumi went into Mongolia with the other group.
HIROSHI: There's gonna be lesbian action, and you're worried about continuity points?
DAISUKE: Actually, continuity is important in lemons.
DAISUKE: That's what I heard. "The best lemons consist of nothing but continuous sex."
>"Oh, dear, thank you so much for catching me," Kasumi said.
>"Oh... your skin is so soft... and you're so beautiful..."
DAISUKE: [exaggerated Joe Cocker imitation] o/~ You are so beautiful...to me...can't you see? o/~
>"But of course!" Fatora replied, running her hands over Kasumi's
>back. "Catching you was my pleasure!"
>"Mistress," Alielle pouted, "can't we share?"
>"Go get your own!" Fatora answered with asperity. "Oh, and
>bring me another while you're at it."
>Alielle giggled and skipped off, only to bump into Kodachi,
>coming around a corner. Before Kodachi knew what was happening,
>her clothes were missing. She put her hands to her cheeks in
>horror, her ponytail standing on end. "Ranma-sama will be
>able to defeat me now! Whatever shall I do?"
HIROSHI: Not to worry. Against you naked, I rather doubt that Ranma would be in top form either.
GARY: Not with having to explain it to Akane, no.
DAISUKE: Hey, didn't Kodachi's head get cut off at some point?
GARY: Maybe she got better.
>"I'll console you..." came a husky, sly voice, from the short
>girl Kodachi had collided with.
DAISUKE: Sorry, I'm not a console application. I use the full AWT graphical interface.
HIROSHI: What the heck are you talking about?
GARY: I think his thread just crashed with a JokeNotFunnyException.
>"Oh, all right. Let's do it!" replied Kodachi.
>And they all lived lustfully ever after.
HIROSHI: Now why couldn't we have had an ending like this?
GARY: Because for you guys, being lustful ever after wouldn't be any big change. Anyhow, Bert, thanks for a fun read.
DAISUKE: Maybe this'll start a trend. Three years from now, we'll see Vince's gymnast girls finish "Much Ado."
GARY: Sure. And two years later, female Ranmas from three different Dave Roeder fics will compete to finish "Centaur," each trying to prove that he can come up with a better ending than the other two.
DAISUKE: My money's on the Ranma from "Ten Yen."
HIROSHI: So is Nabiki's.
GARY: ahem Until next time....
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