Ranma Hero: Shampoo (Shan Pu)
Category: Ranma Hero
Posted on January 21, 2010 by Gary
In the remotest wilderness of China, not far from the cursed springs of Jusenkyo, exists a little known village of Amazon warriors. These Amazons are a proud people, particularly where combat is concerned. Being defeated by an outsider is considered a great disgrace. An Amazon who is beaten by a woman is required to give the "kiss of death" to her opponent, a promise to chase her to the end of the Earth and kill her. If the opponent is a man, however, the law states that the Amazon must make him her husband.
The strongest and most skilled young fighter of the Amazons was Shan Pu, whose name was pronounced like the English word "Shampoo". At sixteen years of age, Shampoo was the undisputed champion in the combat tournament for her age group. The tournament prize, a table full of the village's best food, was rightfully hers; but she looked to see her prize being devoured by a panda and a teenage girl. The girl, who said her name was Ranma Saotome, challenged Shampoo to a fight over the food and defeated her.
Shampoo knew what she had to do. She gave Ranma the kiss of death, and chased her and her panda all through China trying to kill the girl. They fled back to Japan. Shampoo followed. Surprisingly, she found a pig-tailed boy who also called himself Ranma. When male Ranma also defeated her in combat, she vowed to make him her husband. Eventually failing to either kill the female Ranma or marry the male one, she returned to her home in disgrace.
It was great-grandmother Cologne who deduced the truth: that the two Ranmas were one and the same, a boy with a Jusenkyo curse. She proved her point by taking Shampoo to Jusenkyo for retraining, where the young Amazon fell into the spring of drowned cat. Shampoo returned to Japan with Cologne, both of them determined to persuade Ranma into marriage one way or another. This was to be even more difficult because of Shampoo's new Jusenkyo curse, as she soon found out that Ranma was terribly phobic about cats.
Quote: "Nihao, Ranma! You date with Shampoo today?"
Personality: Shampoo is very goal-oriented. Her manner might be sweet and kind one moment and violent the next; whatever she thinks will work best at the moment is what she'll try. Her overriding goal since coming to Japan has been to persuade Ranma to marry her. At first this had been just because of Amazon law, but there are indications that she has come to genuinely love him. Just how far she would go in pursuit of him -- e.g. whether she would kill Akane -- is unknown.
Appearance: Shampoo is a knockout in more ways than one. She has long black hair and wears a variety of old-style Chinese outfits that show off her well-endowed figure. She uses ungrammatical pidgin-speech and often refers to herself in the third person; whether this is to keep people off guard or simply bad language skills is not known.
Base form
20 STR 10
23 DEX 39
23 CON 26
13 BODY 6
10 INT 0
10 EGO 0
18 PRE 8
18 COM 4
14 PD 10
13 ED 8
5 SPD 17
9 REC 0
46 END 0
35 STUN 0
Characteristics Cost: 128
3 Acrobatics 14-
1 Acting 8-
3 Breakfall 14-
3 Climbing 14-
10 2 Levels: All martial arts,related group
3 Concealment 11-
2 AK: China 11-
0 Lang: Mandarin,native
2 Lang: Japanese,fluent conversation
3 Persuasion 13-
3 Sleight Of Hand 14-
3 Stealth 14-
1 Tactics 8-
4 WF,Common Melee,Common Missile
3 Martial Grab
4 M Strike
2 Off Strike,"with bonbori",OAF
4 Killing Strike
4 Damage Class +1DC
4 +4" Superleap 2
13 101 Multiform,"Cat Form",second form,Can only change with
Powers Cost: 75
Total Cost: 203
Base Points: 100
20 Accidental Chg,"To cat when splashed with water",common,
occur 14-
10 Distinctive,"Pidgin Japanese",concealable,minor
10 Watched,"Great-Grandmother Cologne",more powerful,mild,
appear 14-
5 Hunted,"Mousse",less powerful,mild,appear 11-
15 Psych Lim,"Wants Ranma",common,strong
10 Psych Lim,"Obeys Amazon Law",uncommon,strong
15 Psych Lim,"Stubborn",common,strong
15 Rivalry,"Akane (also Kodachi and Ukyo)",romantic,in superior
position,PC rival
Disadvantages Total: 100
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 200
Cat Form
9 STR -1
14 DEX 12
19 CON 18
10 BODY 0
10 INT 0
10 EGO 0
13 PRE 3
14 COM 2
12 PD 10
12 ED 8
5 SPD 26
6 REC 0
38 END 0
25 STUN 0
Characteristics Cost: 78
3 Acrobatics 12-
7 Breakfall 14-
3 Climbing 12-
3 Concealment 11-
2 AK: China 11-
0 Lang: Mandarin,native
2 Lang: Japanese,fluent conversation
3 Stealth 12-
Powers Cost: 23
Total Cost: 101
Base Points: 100
15 Accidental Chg,"To human when splashed with hot water",
uncommon,occur 14-
10 Watched,"Great-Grandmother Cologne",more powerful,mild,
appear 14-
5 Hunted,"Mousse",less powerful,mild,appear 11-
15 Psych Lim,"Wants Ranma",common,strong
10 Psych Lim,"Obeys Amazon Law",uncommon,strong
15 Psych Lim,"Stubborn",common,strong
15 Rivalry,"Akane (also Kodachi and Ukyo)",romantic,in superior
position,PC rival
Disadvantages Total: 85
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 185
The strongest and most skilled young fighter of the Amazons was Shan Pu, whose name was pronounced like the English word "Shampoo". At sixteen years of age, Shampoo was the undisputed champion in the combat tournament for her age group. The tournament prize, a table full of the village's best food, was rightfully hers; but she looked to see her prize being devoured by a panda and a teenage girl. The girl, who said her name was Ranma Saotome, challenged Shampoo to a fight over the food and defeated her.
Shampoo knew what she had to do. She gave Ranma the kiss of death, and chased her and her panda all through China trying to kill the girl. They fled back to Japan. Shampoo followed. Surprisingly, she found a pig-tailed boy who also called himself Ranma. When male Ranma also defeated her in combat, she vowed to make him her husband. Eventually failing to either kill the female Ranma or marry the male one, she returned to her home in disgrace.
It was great-grandmother Cologne who deduced the truth: that the two Ranmas were one and the same, a boy with a Jusenkyo curse. She proved her point by taking Shampoo to Jusenkyo for retraining, where the young Amazon fell into the spring of drowned cat. Shampoo returned to Japan with Cologne, both of them determined to persuade Ranma into marriage one way or another. This was to be even more difficult because of Shampoo's new Jusenkyo curse, as she soon found out that Ranma was terribly phobic about cats.
Quote: "Nihao, Ranma! You date with Shampoo today?"
Personality: Shampoo is very goal-oriented. Her manner might be sweet and kind one moment and violent the next; whatever she thinks will work best at the moment is what she'll try. Her overriding goal since coming to Japan has been to persuade Ranma to marry her. At first this had been just because of Amazon law, but there are indications that she has come to genuinely love him. Just how far she would go in pursuit of him -- e.g. whether she would kill Akane -- is unknown.
Appearance: Shampoo is a knockout in more ways than one. She has long black hair and wears a variety of old-style Chinese outfits that show off her well-endowed figure. She uses ungrammatical pidgin-speech and often refers to herself in the third person; whether this is to keep people off guard or simply bad language skills is not known.
Base form
20 STR 10
23 DEX 39
23 CON 26
13 BODY 6
10 INT 0
10 EGO 0
18 PRE 8
18 COM 4
14 PD 10
13 ED 8
5 SPD 17
9 REC 0
46 END 0
35 STUN 0
Characteristics Cost: 128
3 Acrobatics 14-
1 Acting 8-
3 Breakfall 14-
3 Climbing 14-
10 2 Levels: All martial arts,related group
3 Concealment 11-
2 AK: China 11-
0 Lang: Mandarin,native
2 Lang: Japanese,fluent conversation
3 Persuasion 13-
3 Sleight Of Hand 14-
3 Stealth 14-
1 Tactics 8-
4 WF,Common Melee,Common Missile
3 Martial Grab
4 M Strike
2 Off Strike,"with bonbori",OAF
4 Killing Strike
4 Damage Class +1DC
4 +4" Superleap 2
13 101 Multiform,"Cat Form",second form,Can only change with
Powers Cost: 75
Total Cost: 203
Base Points: 100
20 Accidental Chg,"To cat when splashed with water",common,
occur 14-
10 Distinctive,"Pidgin Japanese",concealable,minor
10 Watched,"Great-Grandmother Cologne",more powerful,mild,
appear 14-
5 Hunted,"Mousse",less powerful,mild,appear 11-
15 Psych Lim,"Wants Ranma",common,strong
10 Psych Lim,"Obeys Amazon Law",uncommon,strong
15 Psych Lim,"Stubborn",common,strong
15 Rivalry,"Akane (also Kodachi and Ukyo)",romantic,in superior
position,PC rival
Disadvantages Total: 100
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 200
Cat Form
9 STR -1
14 DEX 12
19 CON 18
10 BODY 0
10 INT 0
10 EGO 0
13 PRE 3
14 COM 2
12 PD 10
12 ED 8
5 SPD 26
6 REC 0
38 END 0
25 STUN 0
Characteristics Cost: 78
3 Acrobatics 12-
7 Breakfall 14-
3 Climbing 12-
3 Concealment 11-
2 AK: China 11-
0 Lang: Mandarin,native
2 Lang: Japanese,fluent conversation
3 Stealth 12-
Powers Cost: 23
Total Cost: 101
Base Points: 100
15 Accidental Chg,"To human when splashed with hot water",
uncommon,occur 14-
10 Watched,"Great-Grandmother Cologne",more powerful,mild,
appear 14-
5 Hunted,"Mousse",less powerful,mild,appear 11-
15 Psych Lim,"Wants Ranma",common,strong
10 Psych Lim,"Obeys Amazon Law",uncommon,strong
15 Psych Lim,"Stubborn",common,strong
15 Rivalry,"Akane (also Kodachi and Ukyo)",romantic,in superior
position,PC rival
Disadvantages Total: 85
Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 185
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